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Chrissy Paul
Micro herbs galore
I already have a start me up bundle from a couple of years ago. And love it, so I gathered why not have another one to keep me going?
This newer one has new mats for the seeds and you have to scatter the seeds evenly onto the wetted mat, however it’s a bit tricky getting them on there evenly. Also I notice that one of the seed types- mustard doesn’t seem to sprout very well and I’ve only had about ten sprouts from the mat. A-shame, as it’s not cheap to buy just a packet.
Louise White
I can’t believe I only just purchased my micro pod
They are so easy to grow and taste so bloody good
My whole family loves eating them in salads , smoothies and on their eggs
Sally Smith
I’m sick of my sprouts in mason jars going slimy and gross. These are great and super easy. Easier than sprouts as you need to wash sprouts twice daily to keep them damp. The Micro pod system keeps them moist enough without doing this. Just make sure you stick to instructions, have enough airflow and sunlight when you need it to avoid mould 💜 I read that some reviewers were experiencing this but if you have too much water and not enough air flow/sunlight, you’ll run into those problems.
Carolyn Hawley
Excellent & fun product
I recently bought a CONTINUOUS GROW KIT in avocado & MIX PACK 2 and have been busy growing micro greens ever since… so easy and so much fun watching the little seeds turn into little plants. All varieties are rather delicious! Don’t hesitate to try this product!
Jennifer Wain
I am absolutely loving my microgreens! I literally find a way to add them to every dish! Have been posting and tagging on my insta like a mad woman, I’ve ordered so many seeds already but can’t wait to get more trays!